Industry research


The Magazine P industry produces and distributes magazines in print and electronic format aimed at individuals, trades people and professionals. The industry’s two main sources of revenue come from print sales and advertising, both are falling due to the decline of print magazine sales. Online competition has deterred advertising agencies from this form of media.


  • People
  • Family Circle
  • National Geographic
  • Good Housekeeping
  • Readers Digest
  • Better Homes and Gardens
  • Game Informer
  • AARP The Magazine
  • Awake!
  • The Watchtower

In the United Kingdom, a survey on the frequency of magazine reading found that a third of UK adults read print magazines either once a week or more often, whereas for digital magazines the same was true for 19 percent of respondents. Weekly TV magazines made up the largest share in UK print magazine market revenues, with TV Choice being the leading title based on print retail sales volume. The best-selling women's magazine in the UK as of 2016 was Cosmopolitan.

TV Choice
  • ·         7/10 readers are female
  • ·         52p per issue
  • ·         1.2m readers each week
  • ·         Median age of 54
  • ·         36% of readers are retired
  • ·         85% of readers love tv listings
  • ·         Its website sees 240,000 users every month
  • ·         The TV Choice awards is valued at £112m
  • ·         Full page ad: £23,375
  • ·         Loose insert: £32

  • ·         23,000 circulation each week
  • ·         Average age of 47
  • ·         77% of audience is male
  • ·         Digital median age of 35
  • ·         26m social followers
  • ·         Audience are 1.2x more likely to by concert tickets online
  • ·         Charts have 652k views per day
  • ·         No.1 music media publisher on social media
  • ·         New worth of $1m
  • ·         83% paid circulation

  • ·         Revenue: $65bn
  • ·         Employment: 712,765
  • ·         Businesses: 28,021
  • ·         29% of citizens in EU read print media every day (2016) – decrease of 7% from 2011
  • ·         7.1bn euros on magazine advertising expenditures in EU
  • ·         News and current affairs text see most subscription
  • ·         Consumer magazine circulation revenue in Western Europe: $15.6bn
  • ·         Consumer magazine circulation revenue in Eastern Europe: $1.2bn
  • ·         Consumer magazine publishing revenue in Western Europe: $25.44bn
