
Showing posts from February, 2020

Website Link  - this is the link to my magazine's website. 

Statement of Intent

My magazine is going to be based around the music industry and the artists at the forefront of its movement. I plan to call it CURVE, this connotes the style I wish to convey: an edgy, but simple approach to music journalism. Both the physical magazine and the website will follow the same house style; simplistic colour with geometry/boxing and bold fonts.             My primary target audience will be older teens/young adults of any gender who enjoy music and the different types of artists. Much of the magazine’s content will include real-world topics such as LGBTQ+ issues and feminism, therefore, my audience will have an interest in such debates and how they are present in the music audience. By including political issues, I aim to represent my audience and ensure equality through different types of model and content that applies to people regardless of their personal identity. These individuals will have an interest in aesthetic and will be people who want to use their voice to c