Statement of Intent

My magazine is going to be based around the music industry and the artists at the forefront of its movement. I plan to call it CURVE, this connotes the style I wish to convey: an edgy, but simple approach to music journalism. Both the physical magazine and the website will follow the same house style; simplistic colour with geometry/boxing and bold fonts.
            My primary target audience will be older teens/young adults of any gender who enjoy music and the different types of artists. Much of the magazine’s content will include real-world topics such as LGBTQ+ issues and feminism, therefore, my audience will have an interest in such debates and how they are present in the music audience. By including political issues, I aim to represent my audience and ensure equality through different types of model and content that applies to people regardless of their personal identity. These individuals will have an interest in aesthetic and will be people who want to use their voice to create change, they will be those who are politically and socially aware and do not follow the ideology of ‘mainstream pop’. My use of media language will maximise the magazine’s attraction. The use of bright colours and simple fonts will ensure it is accessible for everyone and will also ensure that my audience’s eye is immediately caught. This will also make it relatable because it is not overly complex and doesn’t follow ‘traditional values’ of society. Furthermore, my choice of images will be approachable and will fit the idea of representation and I will aim for them to be specific for the seasons of the year. My choice of editions per year will be four, one per season. In doing this I hope to maximise the content per edition and include a variety of content.
            This leads on to the website which will also follow the same style of simplicity and approachability. I plan to use very similar fonts on the website to the magazine to promote a house style. This will hopefully ensure that my brand is identifiable on all platforms. This links to the ‘end of audience’ theory which suggests that a modern audience is more interested in online content rather than physical information, therefore,  my website will maximise my brand’s opportunity to appeal to a wide audience, and include the majority of its content online. To do this I will include opportunities for interaction via social media and subscription to the magazine, this will create a community of people with similar interests.
            Future PLC is a publisher that I believe would be interested in adding my brand to its portfolio. The company publishes magazines that are aimed at teenagers and young adults, most of these magazines centre around the entertainment industry – e.g. Music Week and SFX. My magazine brand follows this same style of content and would attract the same type of audience.
