
Showing posts from November, 2019

Mock covers

These mocks were the first drafts that I created. They follow a simplistic style with the models being at the center of the page. These covers follow a more abstract and stylish theme. I prefer this style of magazine as it creates individuality and style. The use of geometry conveys the edgy nature that I wished to portray through my magazine. My target audience would enjoy this style of cover. This was my original idea for a contents page, it followed a simple style, yet included everything a contents page requires. After slightly changing my house style, this type of design did not best fit the brief,  however, I took many aspects of this design onto my current pages. Originally I planned to follow this design of cover, with a primary image and very little writing. It's simplistic nature is one I purposefully want to achieve as it connotes style and chic. I further developed this design to create my current pages.



Webpage Inspiration


Webpage analysis

Billboard Website Analysis Billboard website follows the simple yet sophisticated aesthetic that its magazines adopts. Its monochrome style appeals to its target audience of young people who appear edgy and stylish. It has a bold white masthead layered over a black banner which immediately stands out to its audience. The site has a feature photo of music’s current artist and below it has multiple cover lines that appeal to its primary audience. The banner features many working hyperlinks to various pages; charts and top 100 being some examples. The website also features links to social media pages which is crucial to maintain an audience, this gives people a platform to comment om and keep up to date with music’s latest drama. Scrolling down the site there are different links to pages surrounding today’s current discussions such as pride month which allows readers to keep up to date with their favourite artists and the actions they are taking. Billboard has 11M Facebook likes and 7

Industry research

MAGAZINE INDUSTRY RESEARCH The Magazine P industry produces and distributes magazines in print and electronic format aimed at individuals, trades people and professionals. The industry’s two main sources of revenue come from print sales and advertising, both are falling due to the decline of print magazine sales. Online competition has deterred advertising agencies from this form of media. THE TOP 10 WORLDWIDE MAGAZINES: People Family Circle National Geographic Good Housekeeping Readers Digest Better Homes and Gardens Game Informer AARP The Magazine Awake! The Watchtower In the United Kingdom, a survey on the frequency of magazine reading found that a third of UK adults read print magazines either once a week or more often, whereas for digital magazines the same was true for 19 percent of respondents. Weekly TV magazines made up the largest share in UK print magazine market revenues, with TV Choice being the leading title based on print retail sales volume. The bes

Audience Moodboard


Magazine inpsiration


Analysis of magazine covers

Analysis of Billboard Magazine  Billboard is a US music magazine featuring the most popular of musicians. This issue of Billboard features two of music’s current stars, Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas. They are posed in a romantic/alluring position as Joe sits closely next to a standing Demi. This image is placed slightly to the right of the center to allow for space of for the masthead. This is a vibrant red colour in a simple, all lower-case font, which immediately catches a reader’s eye. Every edition of Billboard adopts the same style of masthead just varying in colour each time. This edition of Billboard follows a dark, mysterious colour scheme of dark purple and black which creates a sensual vibe which is confirmed by the style of photo posed by the singers. The large red title adds brightness to the cover and makes readers more likely to pick up the magazine. Overlapping the main image is the main cover line; this is a smaller, white font with a sophisticated font. The content of